If youre reading this, chances are that your life or the life of someone you know is shaped by painand by the physical and emotional suffering that usually accompany it. The good news: Jon Kabat-Zinn and his colleagues have helped thousands of people learn to use the power of mindfulness to transform their relationships to pain and suffering and to discover new degrees of freedom for living with greater ease and quality of life. With the Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief app, the man who brought mindfulness into mainstream medicine presents these approaches for use in even the most trying of circumstances.

Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief - Jon Kabat-Zinn alternatives

JKZ Series3

Dr Jon Kabat-Zinns Series 3 NOW available as an app The meditations in The Series 3 app were developed and recorded by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn to accompany his book Coming to Our Senses: Healing Ourselves and the World Through Mindfulness. After almost 10 years in the form of CDs, these meditations are now available as an app. Thank you.

  • rating 4.92856
  • size 13.2 MB

Pain Killer 2.0

For less than the cost of McDonalds combo meal, you can get pain relief for the rest of your life. * SUPER EASY TO USE Theres also Help built-in to the app, so everything you need is right at your fingertips. GET IT NOW, because there is NO need to be in pain any more

  • size 37.7 MB

JKZ Series2

Dr Jon Kabat-Zinns Series 2 NOW available as an app The meditations in the Series 2 app are designed for people who want a range of shorter guided meditations to help them develop and/or expand and deepen a personal meditation practice based on mindfulness. It gives you programs of varying lengths to use on different days, depending on how much time you can make for formal practice. Thank you.

  • size 10.9 MB

JKZ Series1

Dr Jon Kabat-Zinns Series 1 NOW available as an app The Series 1 mindfulness meditation app constitutes the core practice curriculum of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) in the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA.Hundreds of thousands or even millions of people have used these meditations to develop and sustain a meditation practice based on mindfulness, and to benefit from its stress reducing, healing, and transformational potential when practiced regularly. After 35 years in the form of first audiotapes and then CDs, these Series 1 guided mindfulness meditations are now available as an app due to popular demand. Thank you.

  • rating 4.83784
  • size 11.7 MB