Stop chasing down your team members for status updates. UpdateZen eliminates lengthy email threads, non-critical information from your direct reports, and time-consuming meetings, leaving you more time to focus on the big picture. Each includes unlimited usage across the team.$8.33/month (paid annually)$11.99/month (paid monthly)Subscription Pricing: of Service: Policy:

UpdateZen alternatives

Magic Personal Assistant

Magic is your personal assistant, available on demand, 24/7, and responds within minutes.Magic is like having Elon Musk as your secretary. - Ryan Holmes, Founder and CEO, SpaceVR1. - Paul Bohm, Founder at Stealth Startup

  • size 8.9 MB

Cloze Relationship Management

Best Personal Assistant I have ever used, and Ive used them all. - @SealMaster_COFantastic integration across multiple sources to create a single view of your relationships - SUJONEROPRJAI closed three orders in the first 24 hours of use This has never happened with any other CRM Ive tried - Nicholas HughesCloze is like a personal assistant for your professional relationships that is always prompting you at the right moment and remembering what you dont. PRIVACY & SECURITY PLEDGE We wont spam your contacts We wont sell your information Its your information not ours

Timyo email

Works with any email providers: Gmail, Exchange, Office365,, iCloud, Yahoo and IMAP providers We believe that happiness starts with being in control of your own time. How can we do anything we like if we are constantly interrupted, constantly robbed of precious minutes of our time by the barrage of incoming communications, starting with emails?Emails are todays silent killer. Your emails are never stored with us and all communications are transmitted with encryption protocols.

  • size 58.2 MB


Team-One is more than messaging; its teamwork made simple. Of course, you can chat but theres so much more. Highlights Awarded by Frost & Sullivan in 2014 for Product Innovation and again in 2016 for Product Leadership in the Mobile Employee Collaboration Solutions space.

  • size 108 MB


Tagiio is a free app that lets you save your ideas, notes, emails, bookmarks, images and lists in one place, easily accessible on your phone. It is a great tool to keep you organized on your own or share stuff in small groups. Work with friends: invite friends to collaboratively collect, curate and organize ideas, images and links around any topics/tags.

  • size 10.3 MB