Gjennom Troll-i-ords eventyrunivers mter barna kjente folkeeventyr fra Skandinavia og eventyr med opprinnelse fra andre deler av verden. Troll i ord sprkverkty er utviklet for hjem, barnehage og skole i samarbeid med barn, sprkforsker, pedagoger, designere og utviklere i GROM as. Appene inngr som del i et lreverkty, og kan brukes sammen med konkreter og metodekurs for bruk i spkstimuleringsarbeid i barnehage og skole.

TROLL I ORD - eventyr alternatives

Troll i ord - The Three Billy Goats Gruff

The Three Billy Goats Gruff is a classic Norwegian Fairy Tale. On their way to eat the juicy grass, they have to cross a bridge with a huge troll. Vietnamese

  • size 264 MB

Troll i ord - The North Wind

The Boy who went to the North Wind to Get His Flour Back is a classic Nordic Fairy Tale. Children and parents are welcomed to enjoy carefully designed pages to keep the young readers entertained, while achieving language competencies. Vietnamese

  • size 576 MB

Troll i ord - The peacock

How the raven and the peacock got their colors is a fairytale of Vietnamese origin. Children and parents are welcomed to enjoy carefully designed pages to keep the young readers entertained, while achieving language competencies. Vietnamese

  • size 378 MB

Troll i ord - The Fox

Why the crocodile has no tounge is a Fairy Tale from Somalia. Children and parents are welcomed to enjoy carefully designed pages to keep the young readers entertained, while achieving language competencies. Vietnamese

  • size 370 MB

Troll i ord - The Shoemaker

Dratewka the Shoemaker is a Polish Fairy Tale. Children and parents are welcomed to enjoy carefully designed pages to keep the young readers entertained, while achieving language competencies. Vietnamese

  • size 793 MB

Troll i ord - Stallo

In this Sami fairy tale about Stallo, the children are having fun outside in the snow. It is Christmas Eve, and all Sami children know that it is dangerous to play outside this late on Christmas Eve as they may be caught in Stallos sack. Sami (South Sami)

  • size 209 MB