Take advantage of a great opportunity to buy PassWorks Media, our secure photo and video manager, and get PassWorks Generator, a simple yet powerful password and passphrase generator, at no additional cost.

PassWorks Media + Generator alternatives

PassWorks Media

Photos and videos intended for your eyes only deserve the best security available to keep them private. PassWorks Media protects your most critical and sensitive information with UniVault, the worlds strongest password authentication. Importantly, all of your information saved in PassWorks resides only on your devices and in your iCloud storage - we do not have any of your data or account information, further protecting your privacy and confidentiality.

  • size 71.5 MB

PassWorks Generator

With over a billion accounts compromised over the last year, using unique, strong, highly random passwords and passphrases has never been more important. PassWorks Generator creates several types of strong passwords and passphrases with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface. Generator automatically saves your configuration.

  • size 24.9 MB