Words Crossword Puzzel is a challeging puzzle where you have to solve a puzzle by making sure that all words are valid. There are 3 different types of puzzles: 4x4, 6x6 and 8x8.The puzzles can be played in the following languages:english, dutch, german, french and spanish. After upgrading to the pro version, 250 puzzles will be available and the adds will be removed

Words Crossword Puzzle alternatives


With KruisTafels you can play with numbers and practise the multiplication (times) tables from 1 to 12. Try to solve the puzzle soon as possible by dragging the numbers to their right positions (questionmark). You can extend KruisTafels so you can practise the times tables from 1 to 12 separately or play with friends or others in multiplayer mode.

  • size 14.5 MB


Dit woordenboek bevat meer dan 80.000 veelgebruikte woorden uit de Nederlandse taal. Van de meer dan 23.000 basiswoorden worden de verschillende betekenissen gegeven en per betekenis worden voorbeelden van het gebruik, synoniemen en tegenstellingen aangegeven. Een woord naar de printer sturenKan uw tablet of telefoon direct afdrukken (cloud printing of air printing) dan kunt u een woord ook direct naar de printer sturen via het printer-icoon.

  • size 22.1 MB

Torus Games

Eight familiar games introduce children ages 10 and up to the mind-stretching possibility of a multiconnected universe. Games include: tic-tac-toe, mazes, crossword puzzles, word search puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, chess, pool and gomoku. Even though the games were designed with kids in mind, adults interested in topology, geometry and cosmology have also found them enjoyable and enlightening.

  • size 13.3 MB

Math Blobs Times tables

An adaptive practice programme to learn the multiplication tables 1 to 10.Designed for iPad and iPhone (NOT compatible with iPod).Mathblobs is a practice programme which automatically adjusts itself to your math level. The programme chooses the multiplication tables you have come to and, within a multiplication table, repeats the very sums you have problems with. Developed by: RT Amersfoort (Stephan Vermeire, The Netherlands)Year of publication: 2014

  • size 50.1 MB