Numerology- Free Name Analysis is based on various free Numerology calculator name like Ruling Number, Birth Path Number, Psychic Number and Personal Year Number. With the help of these systems Numerology predictions are made for your past present and future by the Numerologist. You can reveal lucky numbers in lottery using numerology.

Numerology Name meaning -Birth Astrology Horoscope alternatives

Astrolis Horoscopes & Tarot

The one app you need for your Daily Horoscope and Tarot Card Readings. Astrolis offers a wide selection of horoscopes covering everything from love and romance to career and money issues. You can quickly and easily view any of the 12 zodiac signs from within the app.

  • rating 4.09999
  • size 13.5 MB

Numerology Light - Calculator

Numerology Light is a Chaldean and Pythagorean numerology calculator with your personal daily forecast. It is a remarkable numerology app. You can set Y or W as vowels You can enable master numbers (11, 22, 33)

  • rating 4.86885
  • size 19.2 MB

Tarot & Numerology

The ultimate professional Tarot App Customizable to all needs and tastes with multiple in-depth card meaning references. Daily Forecasts combining Tarot card for the day and numerology. Tarot Decks available for in-app purchase Tarot of Dreams - Ciro Marchetti Legacy of the Divine Tarot - Ciro Marchetti Tarot Royale - Ciro Marchetti Tarot de Maria Celia - Lynyrd-Jym Narciso Tarocchi Di Marcelo Inciso - Lynyrd-Jym Narciso CBD Tarot de Marseille - Dr. Yoav Ben-Dov (FREE) Aquatic Tarot - Andreas Schrter (FREE) Tarocco Soprafino - Carlo della Rocca (FREE) BlueDogRose Tarot - Nakisha E. VanderHoeven Badgers Forest Tarot - Nakisha E. VanderHoeven The Riderless Tarot - Nakisha E. VanderHoeven The Short Hand Tarot - Markus Pfeil Tarot of the Apocalypse - wiatosaw Nowicki The BirdQueen Tarot - Gretchen Diehl The Golden Age of Hollywood Tarot - Lorelei Douglas The Lilith Bible Tarot - Lorelei Douglas

  • rating 4.75483
  • size 45.6 MB

Numerology Secrets

Try our completely free chat feature, connect with numerologists, amateur and professional, from all over the world. This app delivers your complete Numerology reading for FREE (20 numbers) and then allows you to chat with others to find the hidden meanings and interpretations. Includes 10 fun and entertaining features for FREE:* Numerology Chat* Personal Day Calendar* Periodicity - (7) 52 day energy cycles* Phases of the moon* SOULPRINT - Your full personal reading* ABOUT - Definitions for Numbers, Charts and Colors* COLOR know what to where to enhance your energy every day * VOCATION discover your true passions and your innate talents* YIN/YANG your lows and highs so you can navigate the day with ease* Address AnalyzerUpGrade required* RELATIONSHIPS - find out your compatibility with family, friends, colleagues and romantic partnersYour destiny is waitingDownload your FREE Numerology app today.

Astrology, Horoscope & Numerology by Astrospeak

Astrospeak is the leading Indian & vedic astrology destination. The app offers free horoscope service with over 100+ renowned consultants and experts on board. Astrospeak for Apple Watch - Get your daily horoscope predictions- Get notifications of important events and festivalsFor special personalized poojas, yagnas and vedic anushthaans write to us on : [email protected] go to for more informationLike us on Facebook: us on Twitter: with us on Google+:

  • rating 4.12765
  • size 18.1 MB