
You will need version 4 or higher of `firefox` https://www.mozilla.org/firefox
to run Pencil as a Firefox Extension. Linux users will need version 4 or higher of either `firefox`, `iceweasel` or `xulrunner` https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/XULRunner,
or version 25 or higher of `palemoon` https://www.palemoon.org/.
The Windows installer and OS X archive has everything you need built-in. Windows, Linux, OS X & Firefox Packages are available for download from the Releases Page https://github.com/prikhi/pencil/releases.
You can also install the Firefox Add-on from the Mozilla Add-on Repository https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/pencil-prototyping/.
To install the OS X package, unzip the archive and copy the `Pencil.app` folder t

upterm alternatives

  • ConEmu

  • Windows console emulator with tabs, which presents multiple consoles and simple GUI applications as one customizable GUI window with various features.Initially, the program was created as a companion to Far Manager (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAR_Manager ).Today, ConEmu can be used with any other console application or simple GUI tools (like PuTTY for example). ConEmu is an active project, open to suggestions.

    tags: Portable command-line console create-ssh-users customizable
  • iTerm2

  • This is a fork of the iTerm project hosted on Sourceforge, the development of which has been languishing for a while. iTerm2 is a full featured terminal emulation program written for OS X using Cocoa. We are aiming at providing users with best command line experience under OS X. The letter i represents a native apple look and feel of the program interface, and an emphasis on complete international support.

    tags: annotate-history console customizable dual-pane growl-integration
  • GNOME Terminal

  • GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop environment written by Havoc Pennington and others. Terminal emulators allow users to execute commands using a real UNIX shell while remaining on their graphical desktop.[

    tags: bash gnome terminal-client xterm
  • Cool Retro Term

  • Cool Retro Term (CRT) is a terminal emulator which mimics the look and feel of the old cathode tube screens. It has been designed to be eye-candy, customizable, and reasonably lightweight.

    tags: console kde retro terminal-client xterm
  • Xfce-Terminal

  • Terminal is a modern terminal emulator for the Unix/Linux desktop - primarily for the Xfce desktop environment. We developed it because we saw the need for a lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator in the Xfce desktop environment, that doesn’t require the user to install the GNOME platform, but still provides a worthy alternative to the GNOME terminal emulator.

    tags: bash command-line terminal-client xfce
  • Chrome Secure Shell

  • Secure Shell is an xterm-compatible terminal emulator and stand-alone ssh client for Chrome. It uses Native-Client to connect directly to ssh servers without the need for external proxies.

    tags: native-client ssh ssh-client terminal-client x-terminal
  • Konsole

  • Konsole is a free terminal emulator which is part of KDE Software Compilation. It features: Tabbed terminals; Tab titles; Translucent backgrounds; Split-view mode; Directory and SSH bookmarking; Customizable color schemes; Customizable key bindings; Notifications about silence or activity in a terminal; Incremental search; Export of output in plain text or HTML format.

    tags: console terminal-client
  • ConsoleZ

  • console - This is a modified version of Console 2 for a better experience under Windows Vista/7/8 and a better visual rendering.

    tags: command-line console shell tabbed-interface terminal-client
  • rxvt-unicode

  • Rxvt-unicode is a highly customizable terminal emulator forked from rxvt. Commonly known as urxvt, rxvt-unicode can be daemonized to run clients within a single process in order to minimize the use of system resources. Developed by Marc Lehmann, some of the more outstanding features of rxvt-unicode include international language support through Unicode, the ability to display multiple font types and support for Perl extensions.

    tags: console terminal-client
  • Alacritty

  • Alacritty is the result of frustration with existing terminal emulators. Using vim inside tmux in many terminals was a particularly bad experience. None of them were ever quite fast enough. Even so, Linux does have some decent alternatives. For example, urxvt and st give good experiences. The major downside with those options is difficulty of configuration and inability to run on non-X11 platforms. The options for macOS are particularly slow–especially with a full-screen terminal on a 4k monitor. None of these terminals are cross-platform–they are usually married to the windowing and font rendering APIs of their native platform. »

    tags: gpu terminal-client