
$ git clone git://github.com/gittup/tup.git $ cd tup tup$ http://gittup.org/bootstrap.sh
tup$ man http://gittup.org/tup.1
* Download latest version win32/tup-latest.zip * List of previous versions win32/ If you don't want to install tup from the git tree, you can use the unofficial tup PPA repository that works for Debian-based distributions (e.g. Ubuntu 10.04+. sudo apt-add-repository 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/anatol/tup/ubuntu
precise main' sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install tup If you use the Homebrew http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew
package manager you can install tup as follows: brew tap homebrew/fuse brew install homebrew/fuse/tup If you use http://www.macports.org/Mac

tup alternatives

  • CMake

  • CMake is a family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.

    tags: build-automation build-tool compiling compiling-tool cross-platform
  • GNU Make

  • Make is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files.

    tags: build-automation software-development
  • SCons

  • SCons is an Open Source software construction tool—that is, a next-generation build tool. Think of SCons as an improved, cross-platform substitute for the classic Make utility with integrated functionality similar to autoconf/automake and compiler caches such as ccache. In short, SCons is an easier, more reliable and faster way to build software.

    tags: build-automation build-tool compiling compiling-tool cross-platform
  • Premake

  • Powerfully simple build configuration

    tags: Portable build-automation build-tool compiling compiling-tool
  • Ninja Build

  • Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed. It differs from other build systems in two major respects: it is designed to have its input files generated by a higher-level build system, and it is designed to run builds as fast as possible.

    tags: build-automation build-tool compiling compiling-tool cross-platform
  • Autoconf

  • GNU Autoconf is a tool for producing configure scripts for building, installing and packaging software on computer systems where a Bourne shell is available.

    tags: build-automation compiling compiling-tool development development-tool
  • waf

  • Waf is a Python-based framework for configuring, compiling and installing applications.

    tags: Portable build-tool compiling cross-platform development
  • Automake

  • GNU Automake is a programming tool that produces portable makefiles for use by the make program, used in compiling software.

    tags: build-automation compiling compiling-tool development development-tool
  • qmake

  • Manual: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmake-manual.html

    tags: build-automation build-tool compiling compiling-tool cross-platform
  • makebreed

  • makebreed is a customizable shell script (./configure) that generates makefiles for C/C++ development projects using the gcc compiler. It is a simple, clean and easy alternative to other build systems like cmake or gnu autotools.

    tags: configure cmake makefile autotools automake
  • Setup.shl

  • setup - A simple Bash library for setting up a directory structure using Makefile-like definitions.

    tags: bash build-automation build-tool continuous-builds parallel-builds