iSurvival - Wilderness Survival Manual HD!

Made exclusively for iPad and Retina Display. Dont have an iPad? Table Of Contents:INTRODUCTIONSURVIVAL ACTIONSPATTERN FOR SURVIVALPSYCHOLOGY OF SURVIVAL- a look at stress- natural reactions- preparing yourselfSURVIVAL PLANNING AND SURVIVAL KITS- importance of planning- survival kitsBASIC SURVIVAL MEDICINE- requirements for maintenance of health- medical emergencies- lifesaving steps- bone and joint injury- bites and stings- wounds- environmental injuries- herbal medicinesSHELTERS- shelter site selection- types of sheltersWATER PROCUREMENT- water sources- still construction- water purification- water filtration devicesFIRECRAFT- basic fire principles- site selection and preparation- fire material selection- how to build a fire- how to light a fireFOOD PROCUREMENT- animals for food- traps and snares- killing devices- fishing devices- preparation of fish and game for cooking and storageSURVIVAL USE OF PLANTS- edibility of plants- plants for medicinePOISONOUS PLANTS- how plants poison- all about plants- rules for avoiding poisonous plants- contact dermatitis- ingestion poisoningDANGEROUS ANIMALS- insects and arachnids- leeches- bats- poisonous snakes- dangerous lizards- dangers in rivers- dangers in bays and estuaries- saltwater dangersFIELD-EXPEDIENT WEAPONS, TOOLS, AND EQUIPMENT- clubs- edged weapons- other expedient weapons- lashing and cordage- rucksack construction- clothing and insulation- cooking and eating utensilsDESERT SURVIVAL- terrain- environmental factors- need for water- heat casualties- precautions- desert hazardsTROPICAL SURVIVAL- tropical weather- jungle types- travel through jungle areas- immediate considerations- water procurement- food- poisonous plantsCOLD WEATHER SURVIVAL- cold regions and locations- windchill- basic principles of cold weather survival- hygiene- medical aspects- cold injuries- shelters- fire- water- food- travel- weather signsSEA SURVIVAL- the open sea- seashoresEXPEDIENT WATER CROSSINGS- rivers and streams- rapids- rafts- flotation devices- other water obstacles- vegetation obstaclesFIELD-EXPEDIENT DIRECTION FINDING- using the sun and shadows- using the moon- using the stars- making improvised compasses- other means of determining directionSIGNALING TECHNIQUES- application- means for signaling- codes and signals- aircraft vectoring proceduresAlso Includes Survival Kit Packing Checklist