YP - The Real Yellow Pages!

YP the even-more-powerful Yellow Pages, helps you connect instantly with great local businesses. Find over 20 million business listings, browse menus, search by cuisine, book a table, see showtimes, find cheap gas, and navigate with maps. Save and share your favorite go-to businesses with the mybook feature, including theaters, shops & more Find the food youre in the mood for by browsing restaurant menus (where available) Request a ride to that business in seconds, directly from Uber Order food directly from the app with our GrubHub integration Access showtimes and buy movie tickets directly from the app with our Fandango integration Find the nearest gas, by price, grade, or location wherever you are See service menus for doctors, attorneys, salons, auto repair and more with pricing and other helpful details Make personal notes about your bookmarked businesses Use maps to easily find your bookmarked places Browse ratings, reviews and photos YP can do that.