Travelmath - trip calculator!

Planning a trip? Let us do the math Type in two locations and quickly calculate the driving distance, flight time, closest airport to your destination, cost of driving, and more.calculates your travel time so you dont miss your flights - LifeHackeroffers the option for calculating air miles - USA Todaywhoever invented Travelmath, I love you - Drew BarrymoreWith one simple app, you can get quick answers:+ Driving Distance between cities+ Flight Distance between airports+ Closest Airport to any city+ Nonstop Direct Flights to your destination+ Time Difference and international time changes+ Driving Time to measure the length of a road trip+ Flight Times to see how long youll be flying+ Airlines flying to any city or serving any airport+ Cost of Driving to plan your budget for gas or petrol+ Stopping Points for a long road trip to find a hotel+ Halfway Point between two cities+ Surrounding Cities to explore the local areaStill not sure? Try the website for free at to test out the features, then download this free app to keep it on your phone or tablet.