
New iOS 11 update coming soon :)Trainyard has the best user review scores on the entire App Store + Innovative and challenging puzzle mechanic+ Smooth difficulty curve+ 100 main puzzles and over 50 bonus puzzles+ Hundreds of ways to solve each puzzle+ Puzzle editor: create your own puzzles+ Retina display support+ Easily share your unique solutions on Looks GREAT on the iPad+ Engineered for low battery usage+ Colour-blind mode+ Game Center support+ A year in the making+ Developed in my spare time (support indie games )[NOTE: there is a bug in iOS 8 where the game will freeze after a puzzle. To fix it, press Credits -> Rate It. Try to match the track counts on makes use of these excellent libraries:+ Cocos2D-iPhone by Ricardo Quesada+ XAuthTwitterEngine by Aral Balkan+ Twitter+OAuth code by Ben Gottlieb+ MGTwitterEngine by Matt Gemmell+ ASIHTTPRequest by All-Seeing Interactive+ SFHFKeychainUtils by Buzz Andersen+ TouchXML by Jonathan Wight+ FMDB by Flying Meat Inc.