
PrayNow is the daily prayer app that places the Scriptures at the center of daily meditation and prayer. Pray without ceasing. Pray Now provides you with the following: Complete texts for each day:- A reading from the Psalms- An Old Testament reading- A New Testament reading- A selection from a writing by a church father- A hymn stanza- A prayer for the day Complete orders for daily prayer:- Matins- Vespers- Compline- Morning- Noon- Early Evening- Close of Day Features the feasts, festivals, and commemorations of the Christian Church Year The full text of the Psalms is available with, or without, chant notation A full collection of prayers for the days of the week and for various aspects of your life in ChristTechnical Features:- Full texts for every day appear automatically according to the calendar- Dynamic calendar allows you to display text for any day- Choose between five different fonts- Fully scalable font size- Night reading mode- Bookmarking capabilities- Add, View, and Edit notes on each days readings- Insert the days readings into any of the above orders for daily prayer- TV/VGA Out for group settings