Munthakhab Ahadees!

Munthakhab Ahadees was organised by Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi (Rahimahullah)The book Munthakhab Ahadees, is a selection of authentic Ahadees, relating to the Six Qualities of Dawat and Tabligh. This work was originally done in Arabic by Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi (Rahimahullah), during the last phase of his devoted life. The word Ahadeeth / Ahadith / Ahadees is the plural form of the Arabic word Hadees / Hadith / Hadeeth which means the same as Ahadeeth / Ahadith / Ahadees but in singular form.Munthakhab Ahadees is a compilation Selected Sayings of Prophet Muhammadh (peace be upon him) from various books compiled by various authors, where the Ahadees are AuthenticThis App provides users to read and share Munthakhab Ahadees in Arabic and Translation in English and Tamil.1) KALIMAH TAYYAIBAH 2) SALAT3) ILM AND DHIKR4) IKRAM-UL-MUSLIM5) IKHLAS6) DAWAT AND TABLIGH7) AVOIDING THE IRRELEVANT