MathTappers: EstimateFractions!

MathTappers: Fraction Estimation is designed to help learners to build their intuitive understanding of fractions by helping them to relate fractions (both symbols and pictures) to the nearest half (e.g., 0, 1/2 1, 1 1/2, 2, etc.) and then to extend their understanding by challenging them to use fraction estimates in addition and subtraction problems. Please go to and check out our instructions on the right to find out how to make your own decksMathTappers: Clock Masterlearn to tell time MathTappers: Estimate Fractionsmake sense of fraction sums and differences MathTappers: Find Sumslearn basic facts for addition and subtractionMathTappers: Multipleslearn basic facts for multiplication and divisionMathTappers: Equivalentsequivalent fractions, decimals and percentsMathTappers: Numberlinefind relative positions of numbers on a numberline, MathTappers: Carbon Choiceshelp students explore their carbon footprint.