Learn Croatian - WordPower!

WordPower Croatian - The Ultimate Vocabulary BuilderLearn Croatian with 2,000 of the Most Frequently Used Words and Phrases in the Croatian language right on your iOS device with the new and improved WordPower Croatian Vocabulary Since the launch of iTunes App Store in 2008, WordPower Croatian has helped language students like you learn essential Croatian vocabulary and phrases related to shopping, going to the doctor, travel, technology, weather and more The app doubles as a mini-travel guide packed with cultural insights and practical Croatian phrases. Your journey to Croatia begins right here, with WordPower Learn Croatian Vocabulary presented by Innovative Language Learning. Mix up question types (recognition, production, audio and visual) for a full understanding of each word- Listening Practice: Hear each words proper pronunciation by a native speaker- Perfect your Pronunciation: Compare your pronunciation to the native speakers with the Voice Recorder, easily accessible throughout the app- Personalized Word Bank: Save difficult or useful words, with their audio files, to review at any time- Advanced Search Function - Search entire database in English or Croatian- Progress Bar for keeping track of how many words you have really mastered