LSAT Trainer - NerdCoach!

Check out our 90+ four and five star reviews NerdCoachs LSAT Trainer is a video-game inspired study tool that makes LSAT test prep fun and portable. Designed by top LSAT instructors, NerdCoach trains you to score like a nerd What you get:Four games that help you develop skills foundational for LSAT success: Keyword Hunter Trains you to pick keywords out of distracting text and explains the importance of each keyword in detail Pro-Form Hunter Trains you to pick pro-forms, which are critical to comprehension, out of distracting text Cant Jump This Trains you to identify when you can and cannot jump to conclusions Question Types Trains you to identify Logical Reasoning question typesExplanations and tips for over 180 LSAT keywordsOver 400 sufficient/necessary training exercises in the Cant Jump This gameExplanations for how to leverage the skills taught in this app into points on test dayOur support. Were determined to make the best LSAT study app for the iPhone