Greeting Card Maker +!

Greeting Card Maker lets you create and share beautiful, amazing and awesome greeting cards in a simple way FFEATURESQuickly create greeting cards for: Christmas Valentine Birthday Thanks Love you Congrats Baby Wedding Friendship Couples Just Because On the Fly Bromance And everything in betweenBe like a graphic artist: A lot of backgrounds, borders and stickers, to dress up your card Write a text and make up it with fonts, colors and opacity 3D touch supported:Background button have different result for different touches as: tap, long touch, 3D touch (other buttons, early )Smart Fonts list:fonts list recognize your language and shows related fonts automatically (currently supports: english, arabic, persian )Send Cards Via: Email Facebook Twitter And any social app you haveOther Share Options: Save it in photo library Print it directlyTanks for checking out Greeting Card MakerRate app if you like it