
WARNING: Due to a server side change, Google Play playback is not working at the moment. We are investigating the issue and will be releasing a fix very soon. Please drop an email in case of encountering any bugs ([email protected]) or visit the forum on our website ( full Google Music All Access support: Search & Radio- YouTube support: log in and manage your library- search for songs on All Access or YouTube, and add to Library or playlist- delete songs from Library (long pressing on song)- listen to YouTube songs without YouTube login for free- search for songs on All Access or YouTube, and add to Library or playlist- Artist, Album, and Album Artist view- scrobbling - ChromeCast support- send output to Airplay devices- Equalizer with customizable and factory presets, optional stereo widening effect- high resolution album art via gapless playback (on Google Music)- Lock Screen controls with album art- create Radios or Instant Mixes based on song, album, or artist- Im Feeling Lucky radio- long pressing on a song brings up context menu (e.g. add to playlist, create radio, etc) - filter your songs- rate your songs- Auto playlists (Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down)- 2-factor Google authentication- optional single song looping *only for Google Play Music songsa subscription to Google Music All Access is requiredTwitter: @_TreasureBox_Facebook: