Emergency Nursing 600 Questions Review!

The CEN (Certified Emergency Nurse) certification is the certification specific to emergency nursing and measures the attainment of a defined body of nursing knowledge pertinent to that particular specialty. A role delineation study is conducted approximately every five years to assure the examination reflects current emergency nursing practice. Questions include instruction according to the BCEN: Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing on :Cardiovascular ; Gastrointestinal ; Genitourinary, Gynecology, Obstetrical ; Maxillofacial/Ocular ; Neurological ; Orthopedic/Wound ; Psychological/Social ; Respiratory ; Patient Care Management ; Substance Abuse/Toxicological/Environmental ; Shock/Multi-System ; Medical Emergency ; Professional Issue 600 total unique questions, 4 unique choices per question, detailed rationale/explanations included.