Death Shooter 3 : Conatact Killer!

As a special force, you will receive secret missions to eliminate enemies and terrorist. Sneak into terrorists base, find them and zoom lens to aimyour enemies deep breathing and pull the trigger-ImmersionMake your planReal shooting experienceUnforgettable scenes-Deadly weaponsMore than 20 different kinds of weaponsSniperRifleShotgunUpgrade your weapons abilities-Various missionsMore than 200 different missionsComplete your missions in jungle, mountains, snowfield and military baseVariety missions targets: sniper, infantry, officer, armed medics, grenade man and radiomen, find them and aim them.-Fun toolsfinder: quickly target your enemiesGrenade: mass destructionSlow-Mo: slow your enemiespiercing: higher damage and longer range-Rank and achievementCompete with global players Log in your Facebook and show your achievements