Date Wheel date calculator!

Date Wheel is an award-winning date calculator that calculates time between two dates in months, weeks, days, & business days. Save calculations for future reference. Date Wheel is the most critical and utilized application on my [mobile].-MJLOne of my favourite programs and I find it mighty useful.-Sammy McLoughlin, PalmAddictthe best date calculator around-JoelDeceptively simple yet precise program-Kevin AgotA useful tool for project planning, time management, estimating lead times, (to) count down to an important event, estimate shipping and arrival times, determine the exact age of a relative or friendEver try to calculate these kinds of things in your head or using a calendar?-Handheld ComputingAlso by Creative Algorithms:- Trip Boss travel manager, available in 4 editions- Serving Sizer recipe manager, available in 2 editions for iPhone, one for iPad