
ALL FANS WELCOME Cosmunity is the first and only platform where you can join fandoms, discover events near you, find new friends and deep dive into virtual convention experiences all in one place. Made specifically for you and the millions of fans across the globe EASILY DISCOVER LOCAL EVENTS or global comic cons. Features:FANDOMSUpload photos and videos from camera and galleryPost YouTube videosShare links to your favorite contentChat with friends, geeks, cosplayers, and anime fans alikeEdit your profile to match your geeky passionsDiscover users by usernameDouble tap to like Follow friends and content creators EVENTSDeep dive into virtual convention experiencesFind local events that match your passionsEasily let your friends know that you are attendingInvite your friends to attendTALK TO THE DEVELOPERSShake your device to leave us feedback, report a bug or just say hi