Banca currency converter!

An efficient, beautiful currency (exchange) converter, designed for iPhone / iPad, optimized for iOS 8.Supports ALL currencies in use all over the world VIDEO: Today Extension Today extension in Notification Center, showing the last currency pair used in the app Automatically uses any currency or number value you may have copied into pasteboard Expand with one tap to change source currency Tap the target currency to copy the result back into pasteboard Double tap source value in the widget to choose from few pre-defined values (100, 200, 500) App Features Focus on _your_ favorite currencies, which are easily managed Instant conversion to all chosen currencies Banca uses your location to automatically add the currency for the country youre currently in - great for frequent travelers Automatic refresh of the exchange rates Automatic transition to offline mode when network is not available Use long-press on the delete key to clear all values Integrated simple calculator with basic operations Supports every (non-obsolete) currency in the worldSee full list of supported currencies on our site: Full support for state preservation - app will always remember what you last did NOTE if you like Banca, make sure you review it here on the App Store - it helps others find the app and it gives me incentive to develop it further. Thank you for your time.