Aqwertyan - Music at your Fingertips!!

Perform all your favorite songs Its Music at Your Fingertips - with stunning retina graphics Pick from over 100 different instrument sounds and choose your part in the band. If you can type, you can play HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF SONGS AVAILABLE - Aqwertyan lets you play any midi or karaoke file Choose between a virtual qwerty or piano-style keyboard, or a connected bluetooth or MIDI keyboard, and adjust the difficulty - even let any key you hit play the correct note No instrumental skills necessary PERFORM VIRTUALLY ANY SONG - Perform the music of any MIDI or KAR file - Video game music, pop songs, karaoke, classics, movie themes, gospel, and more - Choose from millions of songs - Find your favorites fast. There is nothing new to learn; Aqwertyan uses your muscle memory from typing to make performance easy Now you can make music everywhere you go Even if you have never played before, you will playing enjoyably within minutes, because you have been practicing on this keyboard your whole life.