
420Square helps you discover the expanding cannabis community Select from many different categories, including: Medical and Recreational dispensaries, Doctors, Smoke Lounges, Grow Shops, Laboratories, Cultivators and more. Save a business as a favorite and get a list of all their promotions by tapping just one button 420Square also teams up with select businesses that use Bluetooth iBeacons. 420Square helps you easily find Medical and Recreational cannabis dispensaries throughout the United States, Canada and Internationally 420Square uses location services such as GPS, Bluetooth iBeacons and Geofencing to provide up-to-the-minute notifications on deals, products and services View our in-depth strain library Stay informed with our newsfeeds and blogs featuring what you need to know about the cannabis community Save business favorites for quick access to their inventory and promotions Send a text message, email or call the business directly through the app Set distance for business lookup Customize app settings Change frequency of notifications from our Bluetooth iBeacons Create calendar reminders for events or time-sensitive specials Share promotions with social mediaConnect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr by @420squareapp