HUKUK MUHAKEMELER KANUNUKullanc dostu menu zellii ve En gncel haliyle, Blm ve Maddelere ayrlm hzl ve internetsiz, Kelime ve Madde arama zellii,Kanun Numaras : 6100Kabul Tarihi : 12/1/2011Yaymland R.Gazete: Tarih: 4/2/2011 Say : 27836Yaymland Dstur : Tertip : 5 Cilt : 50

Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu alternatives

Quran Notes

Read the Quran from multiple translations, add notes to verses or group related verses with a tag. Features- 30+ translations in 3 languages: English, Turkish, Arabic (original text)- Add individual notes to verses.- Group multiple verses from different chapters with a tag.- Bookmark verses or chapters. Only when you sort them chronologically you can see the progress of the message in the Quran from normal to discouraging and then finally strictly forbidding in this revelation order 16.67, 2.219, 4.43, 5.90.

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