Create fun beautiful interactive fractal designs for the iPad and iPhone. FractalScapes helps non-artists create art using Fractals. The app might display filtered fractals but will not have filter editing.

FractalScapes Interactive Fractal Art Designer alternatives

isosceles : geometry sketchpad

Isosceles is the perfect geometry drawing tool for students, teachers, and professionals. GREAT FEATURES FOR EVERYONE The simple, versatile drawing tools (lines, circles, arcs, polygons, and conics) can be combined to create complex drawings. Isosceles was designed and developed by a 17-year-old.

  • size 19.3 MB

Fast Fractal

Fast Fractal is the fastest Mandelbrot set explorer for iOS.- Blazing speed allows perfectly fluid exploration with standard pinch and swipe gestures- Spectacular image quality- Double-precision floating point math allows 100,000,000,000 times magnification- Full support for multi-core chips- Easily set the coordinates and number of iterations- Easily switch between Mandelbrot and Julia setsFast Fractal is made by the developer of tChess (the popular chess app) and Learn Chess (the Apple Staff Favorite e-book).

  • rating 3.6
  • size 0.7 MB


Rotation4D is a real-time visualization app that renders the four-dimensional convex regular polytopes such as the tesseract as well as the three-dimensional ones known as the Platonic solids. Simple touch gestures let you intuitively manipulate those geometric figures. The color hue changes with every tap.TOC ButtonClick this button to jump to one of the table of contents pages.

  • size 4.4 MB

Poly-z-Vision: Interactive Mathematical Art

With this version of Poly-z-Vision you can build intricate artistic images fast. By only manipulating one point, for a total of three points of attraction, via mathematically-deep but transparent algorithms, the app allows you to render colorful images simply by dragging the point. Behind the scenes the app translates mathematical concepts and algorithms such as cubic polynomial equations, iterations, fractals and convergence into fascinating unique images you design.

  • rating 5.0
  • size 4.2 MB


John Conways Game of Life is a well-known cellular automaton. In Life, cells live on a two-dimensional grid and survive, reproduce, and die based on four simple rules:Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell.

  • rating 3.73684
  • size 0.9 MB