With the Elsevier eLibrary Reader App you can read Elseviers ebooks on your iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. You can organize books in to shelves, customize your reading experience, add notes or highlights to specific passages, bookmark a page and download ebooks from our eLibrary website. Download ebooks From Elsevier eLibrary websiteCustomize your reading experience: Add notes or highlights to specific passages, bookmark pages/locations Select among four typefaces and adjust font size, set margins Set background color of the Reader Switch between horizontal swipe and vertical scroll Set brightness levelOrganize: Organize your ebooks/content by creating shelvesNavigation: Search for specific keywords and navigate to a specific passage by picking a search result Swipe or scroll to go to previous or next page Use the page slider to quickly navigate across Go to specific passages from the table listing the personalization Table of contentsFormats supported: DRM pdf from Elsevier eLibrary.

Elsevier eLibrary Reader alternatives


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Use Elsevier eBooks to download and access Elsevier textbooks on your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. Read your books online or offline, search across your full library, and create notes and highlights to help you study. Requirements: Elsevier eBooks account Access to one or more Elsevier textbooks iOS 8.2+

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