Vind alle informatie en de gezondheidsrisicos van e-nummers met de Alles over e-nummers app. Alle e-nummers zijn met hun naam, eigenschappen, producten, herkomst en ADI in de app opgenomen, zijn gemarkeerd zodat je snel ziet welke je het beste kan vermijden, n zijn ingedeeld in handige Verzamelingen. Heeft u een opmerking of een vraag, laat het weten via de officile e-nummers Facebook pagina:

Alles over e-nummers en voedingsadditieven alternatives

Food Additives Checker

Are you interested in what you eat? First food additives (E Numbers) checking app prepared with the focus on usage during shopping Food Additives Checker is a quick and easy-to-use assistant, which will help you to identify which food additive is which, whenever you go shopping. Indicators for following dietary restrictions:* vegetarian* vegan* Muslim* JewIndicators for following health hazards:* cancer* hyperactivity* allergy* asthma* not good for childE Numbers Calc is regularly updated several times a year to make sure you always have up to date food additives database.

  • size 7.3 MB


Sometimes you wonder if the sound level you are in, is bad for your ears. SafeNoise shows you when you are at risk of hearing damage. You have to check the calibration to get an accurate sound level.

  • size 2.5 MB