eBookTreasures is a growing collection of some of the greatest books in the world. These are the original handwritten books and manuscripts from Leonardo da Vinci, Jane Austen, William Shakespeare and many others; the ones that shaped art, science, faith and the world around us. The books are available for in-app purchase and weve included an amazing Medieval Bestiary from the British Library to download for free.

eBookTreasures alternatives

LibraryThing - Catalog your books and other media

The LibraryThing app allows LibraryThing members to catalog and browse their collections. LibraryThing is focused on books, but you can add most media, including books, DVDs and CDs. Add high-resolution cover photos of your books with the cover editor and browse your books by cover type to find copies that need better covers.

Shakespeare at Play

As seen on the CBC Evening News:http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/Canada/Toronto/ID/2513068142/Watch Shakespeare while you read. Shakespeare at Play is dedicated to bringing you Shakespeares works as they are meant to be experienced: in performance. Just click Sync Data from the sidebar within any of our books to get the latest content from our servers Our app is designed for BOTH iPhone and iPad, with the experience tailored to the unique quality of both platforms.

  • size 40.8 MB

Gutenberg Pro - Download unlimited bestsellers

Live from Project Gutenberg, with more than 50,000 collections of all timeless classics and top hits, it features all the important books ever published in history. It consists of all the digitised cultural e-books that allow you to carve your way to magical and perfect reading experience. Now, you can carry your books library along with you in your pocket, escaping into your favorite master pieces anytime.

  • size 43.3 MB

Gutenberg - Download unlimited bestsellers

Live from Project Gutenberg, with more than 50,000 collections of all timeless classics and top hits, it features all the important books ever published in history. It consists of all the digitised cultural e-books that allow you to carve your way to magical and perfect reading experience. Now, you can carry your books library along with you in your pocket, escaping into your favorite master pieces anytime.

  • rating 4.58187
  • size 43.3 MB