YARXI is an electronic Japanese-Russian kanji and word dictionary. It provides comprehensive information about Chinese characters used in Japanese, known as kanji. Features:Kanji search: - by handwritten shape - by elements (up to 4) - by reading (optionally with wildcards) - by meaning (optionally with wildcards) - by stroke countCompound word search: - by kanji (up to 4) - by reading - by meaning - Unified with kunyomi searchInternal hyperlinksAnimated stroke order diagramsFavorite kanji/word listsHiragana/katakana drillKanji/word drillImport preset kanji/word groups for studyInteractive kanji decomposition * User-provided kanji notes1006 kanji listedPaid Maximum edition (5600 kanji) and discounted Plus edition (2136 kanji) are also available.

YARXI Minimum alternatives

Shirabe Jisho (Japanese dictionary)

Simple but powerful Japanese-English, English-Japanese dictionary app. The apps features include: Over 170.000 dictionary entries with readings and english meaning Over 6.500 kanji characters with stroke order Over 730.000 Japanese names, place names and institution names Over 147.000 example sentences with translation Instantaneous search results Character input by kanji and kana handwriting recognition. Search by kanji, kana and romaji - , sho and jisho will give the same search results Kanji lists by JLPT level and school grade (1 - 6) Multiple word lists divided by subject, grammatical function, JLPT level and more

  • rating 5.0
  • size 157 MB