Ever slept through your station? Or had to keep one eye open to make sure you didnt?Have you always wished that you could just start your tunes, close your eyes and your iPhone will keep a track of where you are and just wake you up when youre there?Yes, this has been done before, but never quite like this. Remember that Wake Me Up relies on the iPhones GPS to be accurate, to ensure the most accurate functioning, I recommend you sit near the window and hold the iPhone in your hand (preferably beside you out of view if youre planning on sleeping )Please contact me at [email protected] if youre having problems.

Wake Me Up Melbourne alternatives

Public Transport Victoria app

The Public Transport Victoria (PTV) iPhone app is your one-stop-shop for Victorian public transport journey planning information and is free to download from the iTunes Store. PLEASE NOTEOffline mode is not available in this app. This means the app always provides you with the most up-to-date public transport information.

  • size 26.1 MB