Pharmacy, BNF, drug, pill and medicine guide all in your pocket. This pharmacy App is on offer for 2.99 for a limited period only. However, before any medication etc should be allowed to leave a pharmacy environment or any other medical facility and given to a patient, a final clinical check with an up to date BNF and qualified pharmacist, must be performed every time.

The Indispensable Pharmacy App - BNF in your pocket alternatives

Natural Medicines

Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database gives trusted unbiased, clinical data on approximately 90,000 herbal products, dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, homeopathic products, Ayurvedic medicines, complementary alternative medicines, integrative therapies, alternative treatment modalities (e.g., acupuncture), traditional Chinese medicines (fixed combination) products, and other natural remedies. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database consists of multiple databases and interactive features including the Effectiveness Checker, Nutrient Depletion Checker, Natural Product / Drug Interaction Checker, Natural Medicines Brand Evidence-based Ratings (NMBER), as well as accredited continuing medical education modules accredited for physicians, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and dietitians. The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database App provides you with the same benefits and ease of use that youve come to expect from the website.

  • size 4.7 MB

MedHand Mobile Libraries

Join thousands of healthcare professionals from all over the world and start using MedHand Mobile Libraries Our patented technology allows you to instantly and intuitively access the information you are after whenever you need it. It is your ideal on the go resource whether on-call, at the hospital, in your surgery, at your medical school, while travelling or at home - the information you need in the palm of your hand. For customer support email us directly on [email protected] or Call us at +46 8 664 44 02 Were available 8:30 am to 5:30 pm (Central European Time).

  • size 10.0 MB

Learn Top 200 Drugs

Learn the top 200 prescription drugs for 2017-18 fast This high-value educational tool is designed to help individuals preparing for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam or nursing students, pharmacy students or medical students looking to get a jump start on learning drug names and categories and pharmacological classes. Study after study has shown that spaced repetition is the most effective form of learning, and nothing beats flashcards when it comes to making repetitive learning fun and fast. The best part is you can use these flashcards wherever you areat home, at the library, on the bus, anywhere Flashcards and Quiz: 200 of the most commonly prescribed prescription medications Organized by Brand Name, Generic Name, Drug Categories and Pharmacological classes.

  • size 18.4 MB