La mesure objective de la fonction respiratoire est de premire importance dans lvaluation des maladies pulmonaires obstructives chroniques. Cependant, linterprtation des tests de fonction respiratoire, en particulier les tests de spiromtrie, est considre comme tant sous-optimale en soins de premire ligne. Cet outil a t dvelopp par la Chaire de transfert de connaissances, ducation et prvention en sant respiratoire et cardiovasculaire affilie lUniversit Laval en collaboration avec lIUCPQ-UL.

SPIRO alternatives

Sanford Guide - Antimicrobial

The Difficult Airway App

Created by Ron M. Walls, MD, Michael F. Murphy, MD and Robert C. Luten, MD. With updates by Calvin A. - Instructional videos on key topics - Links to information about The Difficult Airway Courses and Airway World.

  • size 88.9 MB

Eponyms (for students)

Eponyms brings a short description of about 1800 common and obscure medical eponyms (e.g., Rovsings sign, Virchows node) to your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. A perfect tool to quickly look up the meaning of any eponym. Look for the regular version if youre a professional now.

  • size 19.6 MB


Featured in Apples 2010 essential apps for medical students. Dermatomes is a handy reference map of which spinal nerve roots relay sensation from particular areas of the skin along with a cutaneous nerve distribution. Dermatomes comes with lifetime email support.

  • rating 4.2
  • size 1.8 MB

Lung Cancer Screening Manager with Lung-RADS

Indeterminate lung nodules are frequently discovered on CT imaging - either during low-dose lung cancer screening or incidentally of CT studies obtained for other reasons. The most up-to-date guidelines for managing lung nodules discovered during lung screening and incidentally discovered lung nodules are elegantly integrated in this app, in addition to convenient tool for estimating the malignancy risk for any lung nodule. This app was developed as a public service by two academic cardiothoracic radiologists and recognized medical educators, and is provided free of charge and free of advertising to the medical community.

  • size 36.8 MB