Great app for learning beginner Spanish words. The Spanish is integrated into classic princess fairy tales ( app is easy and entertaining to play, the colors and graphics are engaging and the story is well done ( Learn Spanish is a free app that features a story-based approach, with games and songs, to expose children to Spanish. If you and your child enjoy our stories, our app includes in-app purchases of additional books.

Princesses Learn Spanish alternatives

My First Book of Spanish Alphabets

Mi primer libro de alfabetos es un acercamiento colorido, interactivo a aprender cartas y los sonidos para los nios. Cada carta tiene un nmero de palabras, permitiendo que el nio mejore vocabulario e inteligencia. Fcil de utilizar con gestos del contactoImgenes atractivas y sonidos a hablar que permiten que el nio piense.

  • size 22.7 MB

Spanish for Kids with Stories by Gus on the Go

Spanish English Picture Dictionary for Kids with lovely images, sounds, music & funny games

First Words: Spanish For Kids