Whether you want to drive or ride, Olligo is there on your demand. Once you try our smart deals, going places will never be the same. Clear pricingWith Olligo fare estimate you can immediately see the cost of your ride.

Olligo alternatives

TaxiLater | Scheduled Rides for Uber

FareWell for Uber and Lyft

Compare fares between Uber and Lyfts product lines and get the ride you need at the lowest cost. FareWell averages costs and automatically factors Surge and Prime Time surcharges so you never have to - directly compares prices by product type- open rideshare apps directly to quickly book your ride- averages price ranges for quick comparisons- displays time to pickup- displays ETA to destination- automatically factors Surge / Prime Time surcharges- saves favorite locations

  • rating 4.0
  • size 62.1 MB

Whisk - Ride Service