Visualisez vos camras de vidosurveillance en direct et tout moment avec votre iPhone, iPad. Les agressions dclares lies un vol sont en constante progression (+25% en 2014) et chaque anne, la dmarque inconnue reprsente un manque gagner de plusieurs centaines de millions deuros pour les pharmacies. Contactez-nous sur [email protected]

OffiSeen+ alternatives

Flashcode Official - QR & Barcode Scanner

What is the Flashcode application?Flashcode by Mobiletag is an application that allows you to read 2D barcodes (QR, Datamatrix) and 1D barcodes (on products), in a smart manner, so you access quickly and easily to different types of multimedia contents: videos, photos, music or internet portal, etc, What is a Flashcode?A Flashcode is a two-dimensional barcode (2D barcode) which can contain: - A mobile internet address allowing to be directed instantly to the desired content, - Contacts details, that you can save in your mobile by a simple click - Or even a phone number which can be dialed automatically. The service that simplifies your access: Flashcode makes your life easier. No need to remember or enter a web address or to write, letter by letter, contacts detailsA direct access to your contents :Scan the Flashcode in order to access, without further manipulation, to the content that you chose Flashcode by Mobiletag is the daily interaction, from your mobile with:- Print media: scan a code printed in a magazine in order to get access to video content, interactive pages with related subject, or a movie trailer - Bus shelter : by scanning a code printed on a bus shelter, you could know, for example, the waiting time for the next bus or you might download the map of the area.- Television: a new way, quicker and easier to participate to a TV program for which the viewers opinion is sought (Imagine yourself trying to vote for your favorite candidate by scanning the code on your screen).

  • size 63.1 MB

SFR & Moi

Grez vos comptes mobiles et fixes SFR et ceux de vos proches depuis votre smartphone et tablette en toute simplicit.- Suivez la consommation dtaille de lensemble de vos lignes mobiles et fixes SFR, y compris depuis ltranger- Consultez vos dernires factures- Grez votre offre et vos options- Pilotez directement tous vos avantages SFR FAMiLY - Suivez vos commandes mobile et box de bout en bout - Vrifiez ltat de votre box 24h/24, et trouvez la solution pour la dpanner- Suivez la rsolution de vos incidents concernant votre box- Trouvez vos rponses sur le fixe/mobile grce lassistanceTlchargement et usage gratuit en France mtropolitaine (hors cot de connexion internet mobile selon loffre SFR souscrite).Application accessible aux clients SFR disposant dune offre mobile, tablette & cl ou ADSL/THD/Fibre.

  • size 84.4 MB

nPerf speed test: network performance for wifi and mobile internet connection

More than a simple speed test, nPerf brings you the best and the fullest mobile connection quality measurement tool up to 1 Gb/s speeds Full QoS test: In few seconds, test your bitrate speed, latency, browsing speed and video streaming quality on your mobile device. Comparison function: Compare your results with those of others users and for each provider with a real time barometer. Youll get a lifetime premium subscription on all platforms.

  • rating 4.83206
  • size 21.0 MB

SeLoger - achat, location

Les fonctionnalits phares : Les notifications pushs et emails vous alertent en temps rel des nouvelles annonces correspondant votre recherche immobilire. Mettez en favoris vos recherches, annonces et agences coups de coeur. Suivez toute lactualit de SeLoger et du march immobilier sur : Facebook Twitter G+ Youtube Pinterest pas nous faire part de vos feedbacks [email protected]

  • size 283 MB