Learn Spanish with the educator version of our vocab app Now at a reduced price Experience Picture-Perfect Language Learning with Noyo Spanish: a powerful iPad vocabulary builder for beginning Spanish learners NOYO FOR EDUCATORSEducators know that vocabulary acquisition is a necessary step in the process of learning a new language. Too often this becomes a rote and tedious chore, eating up precious class time and losing students interest along the way. Noyo is the perfect app for beginners of all ages looking to rapidly increase their Spanish vocabulary

Noyo Spanish Vocab Builder - Beginner alternatives

Learn Spanish for Beginners

Learn how to speak Spanish with lessons, courses, audio, activities and quizzes, including the alphabet, phrases, vocabulary, pronunciation, parts of speeches, grammar and many more. CLass 1 : Basics-Alphabets-Alphabets Quiz-Vowels Theory-Vowels Pronunciation-Alphabets Charts-Numbers Theory-Numbers Audio-Numbers Quiz- Noun- Pronoun- Verb- Adjective- Adverb- Preposition- Conjunction- Body Parts- Fruits and Vegetables- Colors- Family Members- Clothes- Profession- Personality- Shops and Places- Frequently Used Spanish Words- Sets of VocabularyClass 2: Greetings-Study List-Slide Show-English to Spanish Reading Quiz-Spanish to English Reading Quiz-English to Spanish Listening Quiz-Spanish to English Listening QuizClass 3: Polite ExpressionsClass 4 : PraiseClass 5: Days, Months and SeasonsClass 6 : ClimateClass 7 : TimeClass 8 : Common QuestionsClass 9 : DirectionsClass 10 : InstructionsClass 11 : Health and SafetyClass 12 : Shifts and PayClass 13 : Around the OfficeClass 14 : AnimalsClass 15 : Tools and EquipmentClass 16 : MeasurementClass 17 : PeopleClass 18 : Crops and PlantsClass 19 : Holidays and SympathiesClass 20 : AgricultureClass 21 : Food and DrinkClass 22 : LoveClass 23 : Physical AppearanceClass 24 : Conversation StartersClass 25 : Internet TermsClass 26 : HouseClass 27 : Theory-The Spanish Alphabet-Pronunciation: The Easy Consonants-Pronunciation: Vowels-Pronunciation: Difficult Consonants-Greetings-Plurals-Gender-Noun-Adjective Agreement-Introduction to the Definite Article-Introduction to Pronouns-Subject Pronouns-Formal and Informal You (Usted and T)-Capitalization-Stress and Accent Marks-Introduction to Conjugation-Introduction to the Present Tense-Conjugating Regular Verbs in the Present Tense-Negation: No and Related Words-Adjectives and Word Order-Inroduction to Prepositions-Colors-Adjectives of Quantity-Using the Preposition De-Introduction to Ser and Estar-Possessive Adjectives (Short Form)-Demonstrative Adjectives-Interrogative Pronouns-Counting: Cardinal Numbers-Interrogative Adjectives-Introduction to Adverbs-Counting: Cardinal Numbers-Interrogative Adjectives-Plural Indefinite Articles (Unos and Unas)-Indefinite Adjectives-Comparisons of Inequality-Making Adverbs from Adjectives-Adverbs Not Ending in -Mente-Preposition A-Preposition En-Preposition Para-Preposition Por-Preposition Con-Speaking of the Future-Introduction to the Future Tense-Prepositional Object Pronouns-Direct Object Pronouns-Indirect Object Pronouns-Body Parts-Possessive Pronouns-Using Estar for To Be-Using Ser for To Be-Using Gustar for To Like-Two Simple Past Tenses-Conjugating Regular Verbs in the Preterite-Using Haber-Conjugating Verbs in the Imperfect-Present Participles

  • rating 4.4
  • size 129 MB

Learn Spanish with Stagecraft

Enter a magic stage where Spanish comes to life and solve puzzles to unravel the mysteries of a new language. Spanish Stagecraft is a perfect way to learn to read and understand spoken Spanish for students, kids, and adults. Connect with us for updates and more Spanish learning:* https://www.facebook.com/playmationspanish* https://twitter.com/playmationgames* http://playmationstudios.com

  • size 126 MB

Spanish Word Wizard for Kids

Gus on the Go: Spanish for Kids