Scroll through the entire Nicole by OPI collection-stopping on desired color-to Try IT On. With this app you can search for Nicole shades by name or browse our colors by Hue, then save your shade favorites for easy retrieval next time youre at the store.

Nicole by OPI alternatives

Nail Art Gallery

BROWSEGet inspired by more than 230,000 pictures of nail art right in your pocket. SHAREEasily share nail art with your friends, family and clients. You can use your profile to interact with other artists, share your work with your friends and family, and show your clients (and potential clients) examples of your art.

  • size 12.0 MB

Nail Designs - Create Beautiful Manicures & Art

Nail Designs is the perfect app to make your nails look stunning. If you ever thought that having plain red nails just looks extremely boring, then this app is exactly for you Nail Designs is the only app of its kind on the App Store and features many nail design tutorials. Features: - Many great designs to make your nails look stunning- All designs can be made at home by yourself- Step-by-step tutorials with images- Take a photo of your finished design and share it- Beauty center - everything a woman needs- Every design comes with a list of required colors- Available in English, German, Spanish and French

Nail Polish Book

Nail Polish Book allows you to take your nail polish collection with you and quickly browse it wherever you are Do you have the right color for an occasion or to match a specific outfit? Do you want to buy a new nail polish, but wonder if you already have it or something similar? You can also search by keyword to match a nail polish quickly, which makes managing large collections a breeze.

  • size 1.1 MB

Indulge: The Nail Snob App

1st Runner up of the Disrupt NY Hackathon 2014 by TechCrunchAn entirely new way to capture, remember and experience nail polish colors. Indulge helps you experience colors by organizing your nail polish adventures. Share with Indulge.