How are you feeling? This mood journal offers a simple solution for tracking your thoughts, feelings and moods in this interactive tool you can keep right on your phone Choose from a variety of animated emoticons to help identify your mood. You can review a report of your tracked moods over a period of time, and you can also get life tips on ways to help turn your mood around when youre feeling down or stressed out features:- animated emoticons make for a fun and easy-to-use interface- add details like photos, voice recordings, and text- improved tracking to help identify potential triggers- confidential and safe- list of emotions and activities to choose from- get life tips for dealing with stressful situations by simply shaking your mobile phone- set a daily reminder to track your mood - built in access to free professional counseling via phone, email, chat or text- ability to review past entries

My Life My Voice - Mood Journal alternatives


LifeTrack is the best photo journal timeline diary available. You can share your life with others or keep it to yourself. Download LifeTrack today and start tracking the most important thing your life.

  • size 36.6 MB

Voice Diary - keep your diary, keep your mind

Record life as you live it, keep your diary, keep your mind. From once-in-a-lifetime events to everyday moments, Voice Diarys elegant interface makes journaling your life a simple pleasure. Voice Diary provides: Clean, distraction-free interface Simple way to record your audio story Easy way to add tags Search by keywords Swipe to delete

  • rating 3.41176
  • size 1.4 MB

LifeCharge: Simple Elegant Journal of Your Ups and Downs

5There are usually 5 things that make your day good or bad. What were yours today?Life Charge tracks your ups and downs through the day, so you can quickly find whats contributing to your happiness. You can change the date or time of the event, in case you want to enter an event in the past You can share events by selecting them (as many as you want) and tapping the share button.

  • rating 3.57143
  • size 21.7 MB

Moody - Daily Mood Tracker

How were you feeling last week? What was your mood last September? By tracking your moods, you can find:- How changes in medication are affecting you- How monthly hormonal changes (for women) are affecting your mood- The impact of lifestyle changes on mood- How life events affect your mood- How stress affects mood- How sleep impacts mood- How season changes impact mood And thousands of other interesting facts

  • rating 3.87413
  • size 6.0 MB

Diary - Record every moment of our lives. + Diary/Journal - My Pocket Diary

Cute FEATURES HIGHLIGHT1.The interface is beautiful and cute 2.Easy to use interface.3.Many mood and weather icon.4.Password protection.

  • rating 4.34666
  • size 19.2 MB