Our belief is that by leveraging todays technology to improve communication and allowing parents to be more engaged, we are enhancing the learning experience for our students. Miami Senior High students will become contributing members of society by becoming effective communicators, creative problem solvers, critical reflective thinkers, and self-directed lifelong learners, developing an understanding of rights and responsibilities leading to good citizenship, understanding and respecting individual differences and diversity among cultures.

Miami SHS alternatives

Frost Science

Enhance your museum experience with the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science app. Use the app as your adventure companion to explore the museum and discover Frost Science in a new way. Frost Science Website: http://www.frostscience.org

  • size 87.5 MB

Dadeschools Mobile

This is the official mobile app for Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS).

Florida DMV Permit Test

MDC Students

Today, more than 165,000 students attend Miami Dade College. A state-supported college with eight campuses and numerous outreach centers. Many features will NOT be available without internet, the performance of this app depends in the internet connection speed.

  • size 112 MB

Algebra Nation

Algebra Nation gives students, parents, and teachers instant access to exciting instructional videos, study guides, practice tools, and an interactive algebra wall where students can get tutoring and answers to all their algebra questions from teachers and our trained Study Experts. Algebra Nations resources are customized and completely aligned to state standards in Florida, Michigan, and Mississippi. To learn more about Algebra Nation and how to bring access to your state, email [email protected].

  • size 30.9 MB