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MD S.p.A. alternatives

Scanner Veicoli

Vuoi controllare se un veicolo in regola con lassicurazione, sapere con quale compagnia assicurato e controllarne la scadenza? Vuoi controllare se stato pagato il bollo e quando scade? Le notizie relative ad auto, motoveicoli e targhe rubate, hanno valore puramente informativo e di nessun valore legale.

  • rating 4.59999
  • size 43.0 MB


Come orientarsi tra milioni di App? Come trovare lApp giusta per le tue esigenze o il gioco adatto ai tuoi gusti? Ogni giorno troverai una lista delle App in sconto o Gratis per poco tempo Resta sempre informato sul mondo delle App e Giochi per Smartphone e Tablet.

  • rating 3.0
  • size 25.2 MB


ShoppingList is the first and one of the most used shopping list apps for the iPhone. With ShoppingList you have your shopping list on your iPhone or iPod touch. Have your shopping list always there, just like your iPhone or iPod, always ready when you come up with something, that you want to buy.

  • size 75.3 MB

OnSale - shopping calculator, percentage calculator that helps with discounts

OnSale is a thoughtfully designed application that does one thing well: it lets you calculate how much you will pay at the checkout when you are in a shop. Just enter a price and, optionally, a discount. These are its main features:+ Two screens for entering both the price and the discount quickly.+ Tax support (turn it on in settings).+ Sum the result of several calculations and show the total in a beautiful receipt (PLUS PACK only).

  • rating 4.28571
  • size 3.8 MB