Manage diabetes quickly and on the go with LogFrog DB Lite, free for seven days of use In a few seconds you can track: blood glucose insulin or oral medication carb intake exercise weight blood pressure A1c doctor visits and other medical recordsReminders help you remember to take meds and check your blood sugar. LogFrog DB Lite will keep you organized and help you analyze and better understand your data. Optimized for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and recent iPod TouchesBeautiful retina display graphics Shake the phone at any time to get help from the frog Now with VoiceOver support (iOS 5 optimized)

LogFrog DB Lite - A Leap in Diabetes Management alternatives

Beyond Type 1 Diabetes

A community for those touched by Type 1 Diabetes. Beyond Type 1 is a community dedicated to changing what it means to live each day with Type 1 Diabetes.

Track3 Lite - Diabetes Planner, Diabetes Glucose Logbook, Diabetes Tracker, Carb Counter

This app is the best diabetes app I have ever usedThis app is WONDERFUL. Must have, if you have diabetes.This Diabetes Tracker makes living with diabetes easier than ever by tracking all of the factors that keep blood glucose balanced. Healthy eating tips and other useful information are at

  • rating 3.8
  • size 34.7 MB

Health Log Keeper

Live a Healthy Life with Health Log Keeper, an easy and effective health managing app. Features:- Keeping a Count of Carbohydrates (Add food from list)- Logging and Monitoring your Glucose Level - Recording your Body Mass Index (BMI)- Logging your Medications- Recording your Activity (Exercise, Walk, etc. )- Viewing, Back Up, & Downloading health Charts & Records, with ability to email them directly to your doctor (if required)Benefits:- Helps you Eat Healthy Diet- Helps keeping Blood Sugar & Diabetes in Control- Helps keeping your Weight in Control- Helps to organize the administration of the medication, keep track of side effects and other issues that may impact your health- Helps keeping up with daily regimen

  • rating 4.33333
  • size 49.0 MB

Welkin for Diabetes

Welkin connects you with a professional diabetes coach who supports you in improving your diabetes control. Our coaches give tips for healthy eating, help you set goals, and offer a personal helping hand through the ups and downs of learning how to manage your diabetes. Youll also be awarded points for uploading daily photos of your meals and glucometer.

  • size 36.1 MB