LiedjesHuis is een collectie van 20 Nederlandse kinderliedjes met: vrolijke muziek - gezongen en instrumentale versie van elk liedje teksten om mee te zingen originele kleurrijke illustraties muziekspeler die dankzij eenvoudig gebruik en duidelijke illustraties de jongste kinderen zelf hun favoriete muziek laat kiezen en afspelen mini spel Ra Ra, Raad het liedje? iPad versie heeft als extra muziek notatie (eenvoudige muziek noten en gitaar akkoorden) navigatie: gebruik swipe met je vinger naar links/rechts om naar volgende liedje te gaanMuziek luisteren en liedjes zingen is voor jonge kinderen n van de populairste vrijetijdsactiviteiten. Lang zal ze leven

LiedjesHuis alternatives

Kids piano sound touch

100 Animals for toddlers

Are you worried about your kids education? You are right, gone are those days when kids were taught in conventional ways using picture books and by pronouncing the name of the objects by learning spelling. To see it, please use from full screen view of animals picture - tap on button Credits to see original file source & license details.

  • size 98.3 MB

Learn Dutch Vocabulary & Words Baby FlashCards

Its the most beautiful language learning appI love the pretty photos in the appIt is fun to learn a language with your appThank you for creating the high quality and accurate contentsWhat? Its free Fun and Relaxing Learning Experience Look at the beautiful cards, listen to the native speakers voice and try to speak Learn vocabulary effectively in an enjoyable way 3 Learning modes:One-card Mode: Enjoy learning from the pretty pictures Overview Mode: Quickly overview all the cards Shuffle Mode: Help to memorize and examine your learning Learn from 10 Languages Translated by Native Speakers English, French, German, Japanese, Simplified Chinese (Mandarin), Traditional Chinese, Portuguese, Korean, Turkish, PolishWe live abroad and we love learning a new language and their culture. Voice from native speaker, accurate grammar. FREE Contents Play cards, get experience points, level up and collect new cards for free Lets learn like playing games More than 30 categories include: Basic Conversations, Greetings Numbers, Colors, Animals, Restaurant, Food, Vegetables, FruitsSightseeing, Transportation, Shopping, Hotel (newly added)Body, Date, Family, Directions, Weather (newly added)Occupations, Hobbies and more (coming soon)

  • size 38.0 MB

Fun For Kids - A Game for kids

Bienvenue Du fun pour les petits un jeu drle et ducatif pour les enfants gs de 0 3 ans Dans Du fun pour les petits, vous pourrez faire connaissance avec de nombreux animaux, vhicules et instruments tels quun lion, une vache, un avion et une guitare, tous aussi passionnants les uns que les autres. Le jeu est divis en trois modes : Apprendre en puzzles, Montrer et apprendre et Deviner limage. Si lenfant touche le bon objet, celui-ci sanimera et le son spcifique cet objet sera jou.