Listen to KPND Radio anywhere, anytime. Originating from North Idaho (just northeast of Spokane, WA), KPND FM plays a mix of music covering five decadesfrom the sixties to today. A mix of Classic rock (ie Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, U2, Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen, The Police), Alternative (Pearl Jam, Counting Crows, Red Hot Chili Peppers), Jam bands (Dave Matthews, Widespread Panic, Michael Franti, Mumford & Sons, Wilco), Blues-based rock (Bonnie Raitt, Robert Cray, Susan Tedeschi, BB King), Modern rock (Matchbox 20, Coldplay, John Mayer, Kings of Leon), Singer/songwriter rock (Ray LaMontagne, Brandi Carlile, Steve Earle) and everything in-between The KPND announcers will share information about the artists and the music youll hear, as well as news, weather and information about North Idaho and the Inland Northwest.

KPND Radio alternatives

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