IN-CUBE is an innovative concept for the presentation of floor and wall decoration materials (tile, earthenware, tapestry, stone, parquet, wood, lino, carpet ) inside a specific dedicated space (2m50 cube).The goal of IN-CUBE is twofold:- Boost sales of materials at resellers by accelerating customer decision-making processes- allow the client to better understand his project of decoration on a large surface with all the shades of each material. In the IN-CUBE the reseller drive, via the dedicated IOS App and an elaborate system of video projection, the ground and wall display of series of materials using an Iphone or an Ipad. The customer can then walk inside his project while asking the dealer to infinitely vary the dimensions, colors, manufacturers Each reseller only has access to the databases of the plants with which he has a referencing contract.

In-Cube alternatives

SFR & Moi

Grez vos comptes mobiles et fixes SFR et ceux de vos proches depuis votre smartphone et tablette en toute simplicit.- Suivez la consommation dtaille de lensemble de vos lignes mobiles et fixes SFR, y compris depuis ltranger- Consultez vos dernires factures- Grez votre offre et vos options- Pilotez directement tous vos avantages SFR FAMiLY - Suivez vos commandes mobile et box de bout en bout - Vrifiez ltat de votre box 24h/24, et trouvez la solution pour la dpanner- Suivez la rsolution de vos incidents concernant votre box- Trouvez vos rponses sur le fixe/mobile grce lassistanceTlchargement et usage gratuit en France mtropolitaine (hors cot de connexion internet mobile selon loffre SFR souscrite).Application accessible aux clients SFR disposant dune offre mobile, tablette & cl ou ADSL/THD/Fibre.

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