IARS 2016 is the official interactive mobile app for the IARS 2016 Annual MeetingThis mobile app allows you to:* View schedules, explore sessions, and interact with your peers and colleagues. * Create your own personal schedule and access location and speaker information. Create engaging, memorable events and conferences with a DoubleDutch mobile app today.

IARS 2016 Annual Meeting alternatives

Fantastical 2 for iPhone

Fantastical 2 is the award-winning calendar app with features such as natural language parsing, reminders, a beautiful week view, and much more Great iOS update to my favorite iPhone calendar app. Looks great, works great, and now integrates iOS reminders. ONE NEW APP, MANY NEW FEATURES Reminders - See your events and dated reminders together in the main list- Add reminders directly from the Reminders list or new event screen - just flip the switch to toggle between events and reminders-Set dates, times, and geofences (when I arrive/when I leave) Significant new parser features, including:- Create reminders by starting your sentence with reminder, todo, task, or remind me to- Expanded, expressive repeating events such as third Thursday of every month, every weekend, last weekday of the month, and more- Create alerts with phrases such as remind me tomorrow at 3PM, alert 1 hour before, or alarm 3PM All-new event details, including a map to show your events locations and better repeating event options An elegant week view when you rotate your iPhone to landscape Background app updating allows events, reminders, and alerts to be pushed to Fantastical 2 even if you dont launch the app very often An extended keyboard when creating new events or reminders, providing instant access to numbers and symbols for dates and times (only for 4 screens or larger) Birthday options - tap on a birthday to see contact information or send a quick greeting TextExpander support Many other refinements and improvementsADDING NEW EVENTS OR REMINDERS IS FUN The easiest and fastest way to add new events or reminders Just type in your details or use dictation and watch your words magically turn into an actual event or reminder THE FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT Fantastical 2s DayTicker is the efficient and enjoyable way to see your schedule The expansive and beautiful event list makes it easy to find your events Tap an event or reminder to show and edit its details Tap and hold an event to duplicate, move, or share Use search to instantly locate specific events or remindersFAST, FRIENDLY, AND FLEXIBLE Supports the same calendar services as the built-in Calendar app, including iCloud, Google Calendar, Exchange, and more Fantastical 2 is fully localized in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish Just type or speak your event or reminder in any of these languages and Fantastical will automatically understand 3D Touch, including Peek and Pop Accessibility support

  • rating 4.5

Mendeley (PDF Reader)

Mendeley is a free reference manager and PDF reader designed for researchers, students, and knowledge-workers. Make your own fully-searchable library in seconds, read and annotate your PDFs, and collaborate with others in private groups. - Wired

  • rating 4.59999

Speaky - Hands-free Audio Player for Web Articles

2016 Starbucks Pick of the Week Too busy to read your articles from your favorite websites? Speaky is a very efficient way to solve that problem: you dont have to read yourself anymore; Speaky does it for you. - Lifehacker

  • rating 4.61111
  • size 5.9 MB

GoodReader - PDF Reader, Annotator and File Manager

The amazing 4th edition of GoodReader app is a universal app for all your iOS devices. This version is a further step in development of our original groundbreaking, best-in-class GoodReader app. All your files and setting from the old app will be transferred with a click of a button + new users will appreciate the ease of use and tremendous file-handling capabilitiesNewest features added:+ securely sign PDF documents with just three taps+ PDF Page Management - add, rearrange, delete, rotate, extract and email individual pages, split and merge files+ True Auto Sync - background and scheduled execution+ opening files from iCloud containers of other apps+ Touch ID support+ Text-to-speech feature will read PDF and TXT files for you, player-like audio controls and an impressive choice of languages+ Bluetooth foot pedals support for turning PDF pages - a dream feature for live-performing musicians plus much more to come in the future to meet your ever-changing needs

  • rating 3.80307

Notes Plus

- Support Apple Pencil and iPad Pro- Convert handwriting to text- Best handwriting experienceNotes Plus is a powerful note-taking tool that has enabled many people to go completely paperless. Be one of them Notes Plus stands apart from other apps in this crowded note-taking space because:- It was one of the few feature-rich iPad apps released right after the first iPads debut.- Since 2010, it has gone through 30 version upgrades and 3 complete overhauls, resulting in 8 million update downloads by almost one million users. Please email us at [email protected] or visit our support site: http://notesplusapp.com.

  • rating 4.21019
  • size 118 MB