With the Digital Transformation in mind, Simple Solutions has developed an innovative product that digitizes the relationship and service provided, between B2C companies and their end customers. Some of the features of our Customer Service App: - Booking, check-in and cancellation of appointments;- Check-in with estimated time for service;- Message exchange with back office;- Notifications;- Financial statement;- News;- Facilities list (with travel time, including traffic). If you are interested in trying our App, please ask us for a login via [email protected]

Digital Customer alternatives


Sabia que pode comunicar leituras, pagar e consultar faturas da EDP onde e quando quiser? Com a app edponline estas e outras funcionalidades esto apenas distncia de 1 toque. Se quiser saber onde esto localizadas as lojas e agentes EDP, a app leva-o at l. A app tambm lhe disponibiliza os vrios contactos da EDP e permite-lhe aceder diretamente comunidade EDPAntes de comear a utilizar faa uma visita guiada (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xj6QQYEx1E).Se tiver questes relacionadas com o edponline pode: Consultar a rea de Ajuda Consultar o Apoio ao Cliente no edponline Ligar para o 808 500 500 (dias teis, das 8h s 20h)

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