Date Limite is an application that lists the products in your fridge, your cupboard, your crisper or even in the fridge at your job, and you will be notified in advance of the products that are about to expire FREE VERSIONYou can save up to 10 products simultaneously, and up to 5 expiration dates for each product. FULL VERSION Unlimited use and ad-free Daily Push Notification: To be notified every day products that are about to expire. TrickNo need to register all your fridge, store only the products you feel appropriate to be warned

Date Limite alternatives

Fridgely - Food Tracker

Herve Cuisine

Lapplication du blogueur et Youtubeur Herv Cuisine dispo pour iPhone et iPad et gratuite Depuis 2007, je propose chaque semaine une recette coup de coeur, facile raliser, et teste et approuve par des milliers dinternautes gourmands. Avec cette application, vous serez informs en temps rel des dernires recettes mises en ligne, avec la liste des ingrdients et les tapes, ainsi que chaque recette explique pas pas en vido, filme dans ma cuisine :)Cette application va vite devenir une vritable source dinspiration pour vos repas du quotidiens, vos goters ou encore des ftes (anniversaires, ftes de fin danne etc. Nhsitez pas me poser des questions via twitter ou Facebook, instagram ou snapchat

  • size 61.8 MB

Ice Boxx

Manages the food you have and the food you need by integrating the contents in your fridge with your grocery list, making it quick and easy to manage your food. Helps food not go bad, saving a business (or individual) lots of money.

  • size 1.5 MB

Fresh Pantry - Food Expiration Date List

FreshPantry helps you to organize foods and its expiration dates. You wont miss expiration date and waste food any more. - Save PL02.db file to PC.You can recover the data by replacing this file.

  • size 5.4 MB